Winkle Art watercolours by Jake Winkle

Watercolour paintings should be bold and translucent! Known for his dramatic wildlife and horse racing watercolours, Jake Winkle captures both of these qualities as he paints subjects from overseas and also nearer to his home, in Dorset. His enthusiasm for watercolour painting is infectious and inspired as he constantly searches for new and exciting ways to render his subject, direct and uncluttered - with passion and energy!
(Sam Besi, 2015)
Winkle Art is home to some of Jake's very best watercolours and here you can enquire about purchasing an original or just contact the artist about anything from forthcoming shows and events to how to commission that special painting. As well as this website, Jake's work is represented across the south of England in numerous high quality galleries and details of these can be found here too.
All paintings shown on this website come beautifully framed with a deep triple mount effect and all sizes refer to the overall frame size.